Squire Have This Pole Executed at Once Meme Funny Plankton Faces
Seasons: Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7 | Season 8 | Season 9 | Season 10 | Season 11 | Season 12 | Season 13
Movies: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie | Sponge Out of Water | Sponge On The Run
Other: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman | Battle for Bikini Bottom | Lights, Camera, Pants!
- Before the movie even starts proper, we get this gem from the pirate captain.
Pirate Captain: (opening a treasure chest) I never thought I'd see it...with me own eye... TICKETS TO THE SPONGEBOB MOVIE!!!! (all of the pirates start cheering wildly)
- The proceeding "Gilbert and Sullivan"-style version of the theme song, as well as the pirates going to the theater, pillaging the concession stand and taking up the first three or four rows of the screening room.
- The beginning dream sequence.
- "You got a family, Phil?" (Phil is a blubbering mess) "C'mon, Phil, stay with me! Let's hear about that family!"
- SpongeBob, in true form, randomly showing up in Squidward's shower, not only singing along to his little tune with him, but harmonizing as he scrubs Squidward's back.
Squidward: (Covering himself with the shower curtain) SpongeBob! What are you DOING in here?
SpongeBob: I have to tell you something, Squidward.
Squidward: Whatever it is, can't it wait until we get to work?
SpongeBob: There's no shower at work.
Squidward: What do you WANT?!
SpongeBob: I just wanted to let you know I'll be thanking you in my managerial acceptance speech today.
(Cut to the outside of Squidward's house)
Squidward: Get Out!!
(Kicks SpongeBob out the window)
SpongeBob: (on the ground, cheerful as ever) Okay! I'll see you at the ceremony! - "GOOFY GOOBER'S ICE CREAM PARTY BOAT!!!"
SpongeBob: We're gonna party till we're purple!
Patrick: YEAH, I LOVE BEING PURPLE!!! - When Plankton first reads Plan Z, it's very reminiscent of an adult magazine, even unfolding like a centerfold.
- When Mr. Krabs promotes Squidward instead of SpongeBob.
Krabs: Now, before we begin with the ribbon-cutting, I'd Iike to announce the name of our new manager.
SpongeBob: Yay! Yeah! Yeah! Now we're talking! Yeah!
Krabs: Yes. Well, anyway... The new manager is a loyal, hard-working employee.
SpongeBob: Yes.
Krabs: The obvious choice for the job.
SpongeBob: He's right.
Krabs: A name you all know. It starts with an S.
SpongeBob: That's me.
Krabs: Please welcome our new manager...Squidward Tentacles!
SpongeBob: Yes! YEAH!!! Oh, better luck next time, buddy. Whoo! Yeah!All right! (goes up to podium) People of Bikini Bottom, as the manager of—
Krabs: Uh, SpongeBob?
SpongeBob: Hold the phone, folks, I'm getting an important news flash from Mr. Krabs. Go ahead, Mr. K. (Krabs whispers into his ear) I'm making a complete what of myself? (more whispering) The most embarrassing thing you've ever seen? (more whispering) And now it's worse because I'm repeating everything you say into the microphone? - "Did you see my butt?"
- "I'm supposed to get a toy with this?" (slap) "Thanks."
- Three words: The waiter scene.
SpongeBob: (is drunk on ice cream) Alright folks, this one goes out to my two bestest friends in the whole world! Patrick and this big peanut guy! It's a little diddy called...
(everyone falls over)- "Why do I always get the nuts?"
- The morning after is nothing but hilarity: SpongeBob wakes up on the floor of Goofy Goober's Ice Cream Party Boat, which is now a complete wreck. The guy inexplicably but clearly has a hangover, and his slurred speech and drunken behaviour are a hilarity to watch. Especially when he angrily remembers about Mr. Krabs not promoting him to Manager, and when he notices Patrick passed out under a table — Tom Kenny's delivery of this line is PERFECT.
Waiter: Listen to me, it's eight in the morning. Go scrape up your friend and get going!
SpongeBob: My... (belch) friend?
(sees Patrick)
SpongeBob: Patrick! HeyWHASSUPBUDDY—?! (falls flat on his face) - "Why do I always get the nuts?"
- The entire crux of Plankton's Plan Z is to frame Mr. Krabs for the theft of King Neptune's crown. So how does he do it? By leaving a note at the scene of the crime (crudely written on a piece of notebook paper, no less) that reads, "I stole your crown. Signed, Eugene Krabs."
Caller (Plankton): Hi, Mr. Krabs, this is Clay, the guy you sold Neptune's crown to. Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks again for selling me the crown. Neptune's crown. (Mr. Krabs attempts to turn the phone off, and eventually destroys it) I sold it to a guy in Shell City, and I just wanted to say thanks again for selling me the crown. Neptune's crown. (Mr. Krabs then yanks the phone out from its plug) Which is nowinShellCitygoodbye. (Plankton then hangs up)
Mr. Krabs: (stumbles over his words) Don't you just hate wrong numbers? - The scream Neptune makes when he finds out that his crown is in Shell City:
- During King Neptune's screaming fit, we cut to Plankton listening in on the other end of the call.
Plankton: Plan Z. I love Plan Z.
- During King Neptune's screaming fit, we cut to Plankton listening in on the other end of the call.
- SpongeBob later shows up at the Krusty Krab 2, where King Neptune has just arrived accusing Mr. Krabs of stealing his crown. Still hungover (and mistaking the KING for a woman), he tells off Mr. Krabs for thinking that he's still a kid:
SpongeBob: (belch) I'VE got somethin' ta say about Mr...(holds back vomit) Kraaabs!
Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, me boy! You've come just in time! Please, tell King Neptune all about me.
SpongeBob: I have worked for Mr. Krabs for ma-many years, and always thought he was a great boss.
Mr. Krabs: (to King Neptune) You see? A great boss!
SpongeBob: I NOW realize that he's a GREAT BIG JERK!!! (Mr. Krabs turns to him, shell-shocked) I DESERVED THAT MANAGER'S JOB! But you didn't give it to me! Because you said I'm a...KID! Well, I am one hundred per-cent MAAAN! And this MAAAN has got somethin' ta saaay to yoooouuuu! (blows gigantic raspberry, then smiles smugly) THERE! I think I made my point.- Mr. Krabs' face in that scene is just priceless, as well as the music used the whole time Hungover!SpongeBob is on screen: "Too Tired"
, which is pretty much the theme song of any hangover ever.
- "Anyone else? No? Well, then..." [Shoots fire at Mr. Krabs]
- "Ooh! Me pants are on fire! Me underwear's on fire! I'M ON FIRE! (dives into a bucket of water and his clothes reappear)
- Mr. Krabs' face in that scene is just priceless, as well as the music used the whole time Hungover!SpongeBob is on screen: "Too Tired"
- After King Neptune agrees to let SpongeBob go to Shell City to retrieve his crown, we get this exchange:
King Neptune: Be back here with my crown in exactly ten days. [Patrick pops up]
Patrick: He can do it in nine!
King Neptune: Eight!
Patrick: Seven!
King Neptune: Six!
SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs: PATRICK!!! [they tackle him to the ground]
King Neptune: Six it is, then.
Patrick: (with Mr. Krabs choking him) Fi—ve?!
SpongeBob: Patrick, shush!
- The elevator scene. First, SpongeBob and Patrick are on their way to the Patty Wagon, while dramatic music is playing. But, then the dramatic music stops and is replaced by calm elevator music as the two stand, expressionless, in the elevator. And then dramatic music starts playing again as the duo run out.
- "What will it be fellas? Mustard or ketchup? (slaps knee) Ayee yuk yuk yuk ayee hah!"
Patrick: Are they laughing at us?
SpongeBob: No, Patrick. They're laughing next to us.- And then there's this:
Hillbilly Fish #1: You two dipsticks ain't gon' last ten seconds over the County Line!
SpongeBob: Oh yeah? We'll see about that!
(They proceed to drive off, only to be immediately stopped by a masked thug)
Thug: Outta the car, fellas.
(SpongeBob and Patrick step out of the Patty Wagon with luggage, and the thug gets in and drives away, honking the horn in the distance)
SpongeBob: How many seconds was that?
Hillbilly Fish #2: (checks watch) Twelve.
SpongeBob and Patrick: (drop the luggage) IN YOUR FACE!!!
(They slap their knees and laugh like they do, all while Patrick blows an airhorn)
Patrick: (while blowing airhorn) Who's the kid now?!
(They walk away while still laughing)
Hillbilly Fish #1: They're dead.
(SpongeBob and Patrick high-five and Patrick continues to blow the airhorn)
- And then there's this:
- Dennis runs into those annoying hillbillies who make another dumb joke and laugh. Unamused and very pissed, Dennis literally rips off their mouths and wordlessly drives off.
- The faces SpongeBob and Patrick make during certain points in the film, like when they discover the Patty Wagon at the tough guy bar or when the monster in the trench swallows the "ice cream monster".
- After spotting the key to their car inside the bar, SpongeBob and Patrick try to come up with a plan to get it back.
SpongeBob: Now, how are we gonna get it?
Patrick: I know. Walk in and ask him for it.
Bar patron: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!! (Proceeds to beat the crap out of the man in question)
SpongeBob: Patrick, that's a terrible idea.
Patrick: Sorry.- After some thinking, SpongeBob comes up with an idea to cause a distraction which would give Patrick an opportunity to grab the key. However, Patrick enthusiastically proposes to switch their roles. SpongeBob, knowing Patrick, reacts to the suggestion with clear apprehension and worry, but decides to give his eager friend the benefit of the doubt.
Patrick: Ooh, ooh, wait! I wanna do the distraction!
SpongeBob: Uh, okay, I guess it really doesn't matter who does the distraction... - The duo's reactions when they first look inside the bar are also pretty hilarious.
- After some thinking, SpongeBob comes up with an idea to cause a distraction which would give Patrick an opportunity to grab the key. However, Patrick enthusiastically proposes to switch their roles. SpongeBob, knowing Patrick, reacts to the suggestion with clear apprehension and worry, but decides to give his eager friend the benefit of the doubt.
- When Patrick asks for everyone's attention, the thugs angrily look in his direction and quickly surround him. One of them (who had passed out earlier) simply gets up when he says this. Even funnier, now that Patrick has the whole bar's attention, what's his big distraction?
Patrick: ...I have to use the bathroom.
- "Hooray! Bubble Party!"
- "Loo, Loo, Loo, Loo!" "Nyen, Nyen, Nyen!"
- SpongeBob and Patrick have so much fun playing with the bubbles that they don't notice one bubble drift out the door, and a loud voice suddenly yells.
Victor: HEY! WHO BLEW THIS BUBBLE?! (pops it with his fist) You all know the rules!
All Thugs: All bubble-blowing babies will be beaten senseless by every able-bodied patron in the bar.
One Patron: ...bar.
Victor: That's right! SO WHO BLEW IT?!
(SpongeBob and Patrick frantically pop all of the remaining bubbles)
Victor: So...nobody knows?
Random Thug: Maybe it wa-
Victor: SHUT UP! (throws chair at him)
- The "baby hunt" scene. After one of the testosterone-poisoned thugs finds a bubble from the aforementioned "bubble party", he makes everyone, including SpongeBob and Patrick, line up and starts playing the Goofy Goober song to weed out the "babies" (because "no baby can resist singing along" to the GG theme). He gets to Patrick and SpongeBob, and starts applying the nails by singing a few lyrics in a menacing tone. Finally, they can't take it, open their mouths... and a pair of Siamese-twins bust out instead, causing them to get beaten up.
Victor: Well, looks like we got ourselves a double baby!
- There's also the fact that a few of the patrons, including the fish who stole the Patty Wagon seem to be on the verge of wetting themselves the moment the song plays. It seems that even they were Goofy Goobers once upon a time.
- As SpongeBob rushes to the Free Ice Cream Stand, Patrick casually greets some skulls surrounding him, then suddenly senses something's not right.
- When Dennis gets to the Thug Tug, the thugs start trying to rough him up and restate their motto. Dennis, simply annoyed, punches the leader of the thugs back into the Tug, and as he is sent flying in, the thugs slow down their recital of the motto. Then when the leader crashes back in, the Tug sinks into the earth.
- The looks on SpongeBob and Patrick's faces after a giant eel eats the frogfish that ate their boat. There's a good reason it became a meme.
- This bit:
Patrick: Did you see my underwear?
Mindy: No, Patrick.
Patrick: (holding shorts) Did you want to? - "Meow Plankton."
- Mindy claims that her dad's too distracted by his balding head to bother doing anything about Plankton—this leads to a brief scene of the squire shaking up some "Hair in a Can," preparing to spray it onto the King's head. But when the squire takes too long (for Neptune's liking) to do so and the King tells him to hurry up, the squire accidentally sprays the stuff onto King Neptune's eyes, making the King start screaming in pain.
- This leads to a scene where Mindy tries encouraging SpongeBob and Patrick to continue with their quest, arguing that they can do the job just as well as any "man" could. It seems to be working, but then we get this exchange:
SpongeBob: I believe that...everybody I know is a goner! [he and Patrick begin sobbing hysterically]
Princess Mindy: Come on, guys.
(SpongeBob and Patrick continue sobbing hysterically)
Princess Mindy: Guys...
(SpongeBob and Patrick are still sobbing hysterically)
Princess Mindy: Guys?
(SpongeBob and Patrick are now spraying tears into each other's mouths)
Princess Mindy: Ew!
- This leads to a scene where Mindy tries encouraging SpongeBob and Patrick to continue with their quest, arguing that they can do the job just as well as any "man" could. It seems to be working, but then we get this exchange:
- The "Now That We're Men" musical number where SpongeBob and Patrick march confidently through a trench full of monsters, nearly getting eaten numerous times and being completely oblivious to it due to their newfound confidence from becoming men.
- "Is he a mermaid?"
- Patrick asks the above after Dennis demonstrates how unmanly Spongebob and Patrick really are: by instantly growing a real mustache on the spot.
- Both times Dennis gets knocked out. The first time he gets squashed by BIGGER BOOT! The second time he gets face planted on a catamaran.
- The Cyclops in general, at least when he's not being absolutely pants-darkeningly terrifying. There's just something really absurd about a guy who runs a seaside gift shop walking around in an old-fashioned diver's suit above water.
- "He's making a humorous diorama of... ALEXANDER CLAM BELL!"
- After the Cyclops puts SpongeBob and Patrick under a heat lamp to dry them out, he cackles maniacally, and... picks up a book and goes to the bathroom, humming to himself.
- Though SpongeBob and Patrick's "death" scene is very sad, there is at least one funny part.
- The sadness is lightened a bit when it cuts to the audience and every single pirate is bawling their eyes out, until the captain's parrot (not Potty, but sounds just like him) points out that they're missing something important.
Parrot: Awwk, shut up and look at the screen!
- The sadness is lightened a bit when it cuts to the audience and every single pirate is bawling their eyes out, until the captain's parrot (not Potty, but sounds just like him) points out that they're missing something important.
- The Mariachi fish. They do absolutely nothing but play and watch the Cyclops writhe in agony from the angry revived sea life.
- The deleted scene in which SpongeBob and Patrick meet up with Sandy in the real world (cut because it involved an indiscreet vomit joke) being capped off with a brief glimpse of human versions of SpongeBob and Patrick laughing at a human version of Squidward in his own recumbent bicycle.
- David Hasselhoff coming out of nowhere to bring SpongeBob and Patrick back to Bikini Bottom.
- The grin on his face as he's racing through the water like a speedboat. As if he's fully aware that he's lampooning his image - like a parody of Baywatch - and loving every minute of it.
- When Dennis makes a dreaded return, Patrick decides to take action:
- SpongeBob handing over Goober Dollars instead of real money in order to bribe his way out of being killed by Dennis. Dennis is not amused.
- "So...you think I'm...stalling?"
- "WHERE AM I, IN CRAZYTOWN?!" An interview revealed that this was Neptune's VA Jeffrey Tambor's favorite line in the movie.
- How does Hasselhoff get SpongeBob and Patrick down to Bikini Bottom from the surface, you might ask?! By placing them and the crown between his pecs and squeezing them together with immense force, which eventually causes them to jettison out from between them at rocket speed down into the ocean!
- It gets even funnier in David's last scene, after he succeeds in returning them home:
David: (Happily floating in the sea on his back, hands behind his head) Ya done good, Hasselhoff. Ya done- (accidentally gets blasted by King Neptune's fire) ...Ow.
- The "Goofy Goober Rock" sequence is just as hilarious as it is awesome.
- Patrick... with fishnet stockings. Especially when it's revealed he's still wearing them after the song!
- And before the song starts, Plankton's complete and utter confusion at the lights dimming, a disco ball turning on and dry ice inexplicably appearing around them while SpongeBob is giving his I Am What I Am speech.
- And then Spongebob randomly turns into a wizard with a guitar.
- Three words: Real. Boy. Ending.
◊ Context When Neptune goes to unfreeze Mr. Krabs, he accidentally set his trident to Real Boy Ending, resulting in what is seen in the image.
- This:
Neptune: Where is he, anyway?
SpongeBob: I'm up here. (hanging near the ceiling by support cables while wearing a ridiculous wizard outfit)
Patrick: (walks up while still having long legs with fishnets) I'm on it. - The credits show that the manager position at the Krusty Krab 2 essentially amounts to doing all of the same, if not even more of the demeaning work that SpongeBob already did as a fry cook, except with a bigger hat with the word "Manager" written on it. He also does not appear to have any other employees to supervise, so whatever potential authority he could have as manager - as well as his whole adventure - are rendered moot. Squidward must've been glad he'd dodged a bullet on that one, considering he hates to do that type of stuff.
- His pay raise amounts to a single penny while Krabs hordes the profits, but SpongeBob is thrilled to bits anyway.
- At the very end:
Pirate: (after the credits) You know, David Hasselholf really is a great artist.
Usher: Excuse me, sir. You folks have to leave.
Pirate: (holds sword up to her face) Say that again, if you dare.
Usher: You folks have to leave.
Pirate: (sheepishly) ...okay.
(The pirates leave the theater, while the usher hums and sweeps the popcorn from the floor)
Did you see my underwear?
No, Patrick.
Did you want to?
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/TheSpongeBobSquarePantsMovie
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