Samatha Bee Samantha Bee Isnt Funny

Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (TV Series 2016– ) Poster

Pure cringe of the partisan hack left

I mean seriously, look at the poster art which has been the same for years now, a cringy karen demanding to talk to the manager week after week,, year after year, only funded because of their woke patron of HBO. Laughing at fox has become old as the left became the new christian right complete with creationism(equality), original sin(racism), and end times theology(global warming), but taken to the next level unbridled by scripture they became the ultimate perversion of the puritans. These are propaganda programs hiding behind the claim of comedy to excuse their lack of journalistic integrity. I still remember when her former master John Stewart dressed down Tucker Carlson, little did they know a few years later the tables would be turned, revealing they were the ones who should be ashamed. The left killed comedy, comedy comes from deep insight into society and its taboos, and now the left only peddles in lies, from social dynamics to 3 years of russia conspiracy and so on, the only laughter is forced like found in north korea. The poster art is the perfect distillation of their lack of self awareness.

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1 /10

Complete Garbage

Every joke told in the same fashion, no originality or variety. Takes the feminism thing(which I support) to such a ridiculous level it's just straight man-hating. Can't believe people watch this show.

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1 /10

Please stop

Please stop telling her she is funny, she's not. Please stop telling her she can act, she can't. Samantha Bee is what pops up after you cut off Kathy Griffin's head. Please make her go away.

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1 /10


Find some new jokes! Or at least new targets. How can this even be a show anyone would air. Terrible, lame and stupid. Nothing remotely funny...EVER!!! Good job Samantha B, your show is a total F!! Giving women a bad name everywhere. If I could've give zero stars, I would've. She sucks.

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1 /10

This is the Worst Show Ever!!!!!

Warning: Spoilers

This is one of the worst shows on. She is Obnoxious and stupid. Not funny at all she is the worst host of any Show. Every time I even see the Commercial I have to change the channel, I cant even stand her voice she's rude, crude, obnoxious and not funny at all.Show needs to be canceled.

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1 /10

Not funny at all

I'm not Republican, I'm not Democrat. I could care less about your political views but this show is so one sided. Why would they give her a platform when she's not even funny, clever, or engaging. Even in the promos she's telling what's supposed to be a funny joke and there are people laughing their heads off in the audience and I'm sitting on the couch wondering what I just missed. To top it all off, this is "critically acclaimed"and has won awards. Smh. I do not understand that for the life of me.

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1 /10

the face of crazy is not funny

If you are a white man, you are the cause of all the problems on the planet. this chick is not funny. how is this not cancel?

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1 /10


Get this annoying piece of garbage off of TBS. I'm sick of the commercials and have to stop watching TBS entirely if I keep seeing her stupid face and hear her annoying voice and terrible attempts at humor.

God she is awful.

I made an IMDB account just for this.

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1 /10

She's a hateful unfunny shrew

What an unfunny, nasty, hateful person she is. If Trump wasn't in office, she'd literally have nothing to talk about.

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1 /10


This show is awful!! Just not funny, it's full of hate. The fact that TBS has kept this show on almost makes me want to stop watching any turner broadcasting channels all together.

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1 /10

The Cool Kids

I had a lot of hope for Samantha Bee, but none of the magic from 'The Daily Show' has carried over to this series.

You can't tell the same jokes about the same person and expect people to keep watching. This is like elementary school teasing; But even little kids eventually learn that if you pick on the new kid everyday at school, eventually you just come across as bitter and joyless ...

"Why are you so obsessed with the new kid? Are you in love with them?"

Comedians that make fun of other people need to be able to make fun of themselves too. Samantha Bee does not do that. It's a show that just makes fun of everyone - It's that group of girls who make fun anyone not in their little clique. Did anyone find them enjoyable back in school? Even the TBS promos for 'Samantha Bee' makes me roll my eyes. It's an exhausting mental assault.

I literally can't even watch TBS reruns without promos for this show popping up and making me sick. Please get this off the air!

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1 /10

How is this show still on the air?

We tried to watch a few episodes, only funny in an uncomfortable, laughing at her own jokes because they are flat way. No class, no humor .. sleeze. Skip this!

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1 /10

Boringly obnoxious

With so much political low-hanging fruit, how can this "comedienne" be so unfunny? Samantha B. comes across as obnoxious and arrogant I'm a huge Seinfeld fan, so I know clever. She ain't it. Boring. Bleck. Stinky.

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1 /10

This liberal was not impressed.

As a liberal, I am not offended by this show. I just don't find it particularly funny or intelligent. It is also very vulgar. Just because you let a few f-bombs fly around, does not make you funny. I enjoy Trevor Noah, Stephen C, and others. I find Samantha Bee twitchy, obnoxious, vulgar and a bit dull despite her high energy. I also find her words cruel. Others can make fun of the political day, yet without sounding mean. For some reason, this doesn't work with her. Movin' on....

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1 /10

One String Banjo

Current event humor has of course been the staple of late night television since its inception. But the humor is far more entertaining when it spans a range of topics.

This show is essentially the same joke repeated over and over and over: Conservatives are bad. Which is highly disappointing given some of Bee's past work. She has some talent.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against poking some fun. There are some pretty good political jokes to be had these days. But once you have seen the first few minutes of one episode of Full Frontal, you have seen them all.

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1 /10

A Democrat myself and I found it terribly unfunny

Oh my, how this woman really makes me hate being a Democrat. Samantha Bee's terribly un-amusing topics and bland jokes all basically telling the same story. Not only are her jokes the worst part, her overall bodily language and tone of voice drive me to cringe. Every joke is told in the same oral fashion and never ceases to baffle me as to why this woman thinks she can do political comedy. Please, don't waste your time on her, it will only keep her on the air longer. If you are searching for a political comedy show, please watch Real atone with bill Maher, don't waste your time on this sad excuse for the liberal agenda to reach out in a comedic fashion.

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1 /10


Thank the lord for Family Guy reruns. This unfunny lack of talent is one more show that TBS rolls out as comedy and edginess.

Not sure what SB's skill is. Maybe she is good at needle point. I even hate the promos for this show.

TBS=Terribly bad stuff.

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1 /10

I must admit...

...I've never watched the show.

Why? Because I've seen the commercials.

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1 /10

You are simply untalented

When President Trump is no longer in office, you won't have a show. Most of your ratings are terrible, yet your still on the air? Hmmm? Wonder how? Your a disgrace to the word comedy.

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1 /10

Orange Man Bad

I don't vote for president. I don't emotionally invest in the process whatsoever. I remove myself and try to pull the objective truth out all of it. This tho, is unbelievable. Pure manipulation, emotionally targeted & driven rhetoric. The entire ep i happened to catch was making fun of trump. That isn't an exaggeration, the entire thing which culminated in climbers proving they could climb over the same wall DT is building. I get it, orange man bad. This is branded as "comedy news", of which there is none. Regardless of political leanings, It really scares me if people regularly watch this program. Reality has gotten so polarized if I point out an objective fact that happens to look good for trump, I must be a trump supporter, one of two extremes, no middle ground. Show such as this are exactly why. Divide and conquer. Project Mockingbird. Mk Ultra.

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1 /10

Not funny in the least...

I love Stephen Colbert and John Stewart. Both shows were witty, while still being informative. And both shows made me laugh. Full frontal with Samantha Bee has none of those elements. In a nutshell, we have an angry feminist who does nothing but make up crude names for Donald Trump (or any other man in American politics) she does not approve of. She constantly resorts to swearing and lame attempts at humour, to try and be relevant. But she fails consistently. We get it Samantha - you hate Donald Trump. Your non-stop rants make it obvious within 30 seconds of your show starting. But you don't know when to stop, and come across as a real bitter human being. I look forward to your show getting cancelled.

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1 /10


Worst of all it's not funny at all. I get she has an agenda, but at least do it with some humor

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5 /10

A Moderate Independent's Take

As a moderate independent, I have views that some on the left would find conservative and some on the right liberal. I find faults in both parties. Having said that, I do enjoy some of these "satire" news shows. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I find very well done. The Colbert Report, when it aired, was always quality television. I gave Full Frontal a shot due to the lack of females that have this type of platform to see a different take from the opposite sex. However, as a male who is all for equal rights for women, I find the "you can't ever criticize a woman" bias from Samantha Bee a bit aggravating after a while. There's a couple examples of this. The first is the episode about dating in the workplace. While I agree with the overall message that sexual harassment and assault in the workplace is wrong and inappropriate, it seemed to leak into "even asking out a fellow coworker on a date is wrong", which shrieks of hypocrisy seeing that Samantha Bee herself met her husband through the workplace. Yes, no means no and move on if you ask someone out and they say no, but it got a bit sketchy. The bigger, more annoying example is when she was discussing the debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. She shows a clip of Bernie raising up his arm and asking Hillary not to interrupt him. She uses it as an example to show how big of a "misogynist" Bernie Sanders is, when in reality it was a debate and anyone would do this if they were interrupted, no matter what gender they are. It just shows that Samantha Bee supports Hillary almost purely on gender alone, and that is another type of sexism in and of itself. There are parts of the show that I love, like how she shows how important mid-term and local elections are in the overall framework of the electoral process, and the videos they make I think are very well done, but some of the semi-extreme feminist propaganda gets a bit much at times. Again, I'm all for women having equal rights, but equal is not the same as special, and Full Frontal at times seems to forget that.

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